☁️ How to Navigate Credit Recovery Courses

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to move through your Credit Recovery course.
Notes: Credit Recovery allows you to work through course content you have not yet mastered, and skip content that you already know. All of the discussion questions and projects that are normally in your StrongMind classes have been moved from each unit to a separate unit that your teacher can decide to assign or skip.


Taking a Unit Pretest:

  • From your Dashboard, select the Credit Recovery Course you wish to start.

CRX tile.png

  • View the content in the Getting Started with your Course.

Get started CR.png

NOTE: Each instructional unit in this course will begin with a pretest. It is different than the post test, and you will have only one attempt on the pretest. 

Each pretest has a minimum passing score set by your school. You can view the minimum score below the pretest title marked "score at least". 

score at least.png

  • Complete the unit 1 pretest. Then, submit.


If You Pass the Unit Pretest:

  • If you met or exceeded the minimum passing score on the pretest, you will see this screen:

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NOTE: You will be excused from all of the work in unit 1 since you have shown mastery, and you will see excused in your grades for those unit assignments. However, you may still select an excused assignment to review the content, and if you choose to complete and submit work, it will override excused in your gradebook and add the score. 

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  • Continue this process for the remaining units.

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If You Do NOT Pass the Unit Pretest:

NOTE: If you did not meet the minimum score required to pass the pretest, you will see "excused" (EX) for the pretest in your grades, and a note will indicate your pretest score. You will then be automatically assigned all of the content and assessments for the unit. 


  • Work through the unit until you have completed all content including the unit exam. All assessments will become grades in the gradebook, but the pretest will remain excused. 

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  • Continue this process for the remaining units.


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