✩ Parent/Guardian Dashboard

Joanne Williams
Joanne Williams
  • Updated

Learn about the Parent/Guardian Dashboard on StrongMind Central.

Note: The new Parent/Guardian Dashboard homepage displays overall Student Progress tiles, one per student, to give the parent/guardian an overall view of their student’s progress in their active courses. They will see their student’s name, profile picture, grade level and an indicator of “Behind”, “On Track” or blank.


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Student Attendance Approval

Parents/Guardians will be able to approve student attendance without having to change views. Each student's attendance card will be stacked.

Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 1.29.32 PM(1).pngNote: Once all attendance has been approved, the cards will disappear until the following day.


Overall Student Progress Tile

Each student assigned to the parent/guardian will have a progress card.

Each tile will show the following for the student:

  • Profile Picture

  • Student Name

  • Student grade level

  • Blank, On Track or Behind indicator

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This section is for Parents/Guardians who have been invited to sessions. This can be for Parents/Guardians that have been invited to conferences by student’s teachers or for communities they are a part of. If they don’t have any sessions scheduled, they will see the empty state message stating: “You have no recommended sessions.”


Request to Join Group

When a user lands on any public groups they will see a button to Request to join.
These users will not be able to view much or interact with the group until they have been allowed in.

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Leave Group

When a user belongs to a group but would like to leave it they will see a button to Leave.
Once a user leaves they only can join the group by requesting to join (if the group is public) or by invite.

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When users are in a group, they can view upcoming events within that group. Any upcoming events that members are invited to, users will be able to see the invite on their calendar in SMC for them to accept. Annotation 2024-04-23 142251.png


Key Details

  1. Attendance Approval

Approving attendance for each student will be easy with it showing at the very top of the page the first time the parent/guardian logs in each day. If there is more than 1 student assigned to the parent/guardian, the cards will appear stacked. As the parent/guardian approves one, the next one will slide up to take its place until all attendance cards disappear for the day because they have been approved.

  1. Overall Student Progress Tile

These tiles serve as an overall snapshot of each student’s overall progress in their courses. The tiles are clickable and will take the parent/guardian to the Parent Student Details page for that selected student




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