✩ Parent/Guardian Dashboard-Student Progress Cards

Joanne Williams
Joanne Williams
  • Updated

Learn about the new Student Progress Cards on the new Parent/Guardian Dashboard.

Note: The new Parent/Guardian Dashboard homepage displays Student Progress Cards, per student, to give the parent/guardian an overall view of their student’s progress in their active courses. 


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Student Attendance Approval

Parents/Guardians will be able to approve student attendance without having to change views.


Key Details:

If there is more than 1 student assigned to the parent/guardian, the cards will appear stacked. As the parent/guardian approves one, the next one will slide up to take its place until all attendance cards disappear for the day because they have been approved.


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Note: Once all attendance has been approved, the cards will disappear until the following day


Student Progress Cards

Each student assigned to the parent/guardian will have a progress card.

Each card will show the following for the student:

  • Profile picture

  • Student Name

  • Student Grade level

  • Overall student progress in all courses combined

  • 1 course per row

    • course name

    • course progress

    • on track/falling behind

    • last login date

    • Current Score

Key Details:

Each active course will have 1 line in the card and the parent/guardian will be able to view the student’s progress in this course by seeing the overall course completion percentage, if the student is on track or off track (meaning they have missing assignments) and their last login date for the course.


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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If I have multiple students, how will I be able to approve all of their attendance?

    • If you have multiple students in the same organization, you will see their attendance alerts at the top of your home page when you log in for the first time each day. You will be able to approve each student’s attendance individually as each alert will be stacked. As you approve one, then the next will move up for you to approve until all have been addressed. If you have students in multiple organizations, you will need to log in to each organization’s account to approve attendance.

  2. How many student progress cards will show on my dashboard?

    • The amount of student progress cards you see is determined by the amount of students you are the guardian for. If you have 1 student, you will see 1 student progress card. If you have 5 students you serve as guardian for, you will see 5 student progress cards.

  3. How many classes will I see for each student on their progress card?

    • You will see the number of courses they are actively enrolled in for the current term.

  4. Why is the last login date different on each row?

    • The last login date reflects the last log in the student had in that particular course. Each row is dedicated to its own course, therefore giving different information.

  5. What does it mean when it says “On Track” or “Falling Behind”?

    • In each row, if your student has a green “On Track” indicator, it means they are all caught up with assignments for that course. If they have a red “Falling Behind” indicator, it means your student has 1 or more missing assignments in that course.

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