✩ Student SMC Dashboard - Action Plan

Joanne Williams
Joanne Williams
  • Updated

Learn about the Action Plan available on the new Strongmind Dashboard.

Note: The Action Plan displays the assignments due for the students to help keep them on task with what is due for the day and for the week.


Action Plan Features


Assignments Due:

The Today tab Action Plan will show the top 5 assignments the student has due on that day.

Each assignment in these lists is clickable and will open a new tab and take the user to that assignment in their LMS.


Note: If there are more than 5 assignments, then every time an assignment is completed, it will be taken off the list and replaced by the next assignment.



The This Week tab Action Plan will show the top 10 assignments the student has due that week.

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Note: If there are more than 10 assignments, then every time an assignment is completed, it will be taken off the list and replaced by the next assignment.



Past Due Assignment Alert

If a student has past due assignments, there will be a red message that shows up on the upper right of their Action Plan area.

This red message is clickable and it will take the user to their courses tab within SMC and they can find the classes they have past due assignments.

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Empty State

Should a student complete all assignments for the day or for the week, they will see a message that states, “No assignments due today” (Today tab) or “No assignments due this week” (This Week tab) to alert them they are caught up for current assignments.

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Note: If students still have past due assignments, they will still see that message so that they can go back and complete the assignment.

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