☁️ Excused Assignments

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn more about excused assignments. 

Notes: Sometimes a teacher may excuse you from an assignment. Maybe you were sick, joined the class late, or are not required for another reason. Excused means that you are not required to completed that assignment and it won’t effect your grade in the course.

If you have been excused, you will see a green checkmark that indicated that the assignment is complete.

green check.png

You will also see a note that says you are excused from within the assignment when you access it.
EX in assignment.png

In the Grades tab, you will see EX next to excused assignments.
EX Gradebook.png

*If you feel that an error has been made regarding excused assignments, please reach out to your teacher.


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