☁️ Respond to a Discussion Post

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini

Learn how reply to a discussion question and respond to classmate's responses.

  1. From your Dashboard, select the course card for the course you want to work in.

choose history course.png

  • Select the Modules tab. For some courses, this may also be the Home tab. Then, select the discussion.

choose assignment.png

  • Read the directions so you know what to post. Then, select the Reply button when you’re ready to post.

reply to questions.png

  • Type your response into the Text Editor. Then, select Post Reply.


  • You will see your posted comment.

see your response.png

  • Select Reply under a classmate's post to respond. This will open a pop up window for you to type your response. When you are done, select Reply.

respond to a classmate.png

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