☁️ Locked Assignments

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Understand why some assignments appear locked, or can't be accessed.


Sometimes when you’re working in a course, you will see assignments or lessons on the Modules page that are locked. Assignments or lessons can be locked until you complete certain prerequisites, like reading the introduction to that lesson or completing a discussion post.

You can tell if an assignment or lesson is locked because it is grayed out on the Modules page.

greyed out .png

If you select that assignment or lesson, nothing will happen when it is locked.

  • Look at Completion Prerequisites to see what work you must complete before you can work on this assignment or lesson.
  • Most schools require their students to complete assignments in order, and complete all assignments in one Unit or Module before moving on to the next. 
  • Some assignments will require you to meet a certain score before you can move on in the course. If you don’t meet the required score for an assignment, and there are no additional attempts left, reach out to your teacher.


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