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☁️ Review Assessment Attempts

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini

Learn how to review different assessment attempts.

NOTE: Typically, assessment limits are as follows: Checkpoints - 3 attempts, Workbooks - unlimited attempts, Unit and Final exams - 1 attempt. Your school or teacher can make adjustments to these limits. Teachers can also add or reopen attempts if they want or need to. 



  • From your Dashboard, select the course card for the course you want to work in.


  • Select the Modules tab. For some courses, this may also be the Home tab.

Modules Tab.png

  • Then, select the assessment you wish to review attempts for.
  • NOTE: Attempt specifics will also be auto generated after you submit an assessment. 

choose assignment.png

  • Select the Reviewing drop down menu. Then, select an attempt to review. 

allowed attempts.png

  • Review your answers. Wrong answers will be highlighted in red, and scores for each question are located in the bubble to the right. 

review attempts.png

  • If you have remaining attempts, you can choose to retake your assessment. 

New score.png




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