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☁️ How to Take an Exam

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to take an exam in Canvas.


  • From your Dashboard, select the course card for the course you want to work in.

choose course.png

  • Select the Modules tab. For some courses, this may also be the Home tab. Then, select the exam you want to take.

Choose exam.png

  • When you’re ready to begin the exam, select Start.

Start Exam.png

  • Read the questions and select the answer choice or type in your answer.
  • Select Next to move onto the next question. You can use ReadSpeaker to have exam questions read to you. 
  • Once you’ve completed all the questions, select Finish.

EXAM proceed.png

  • Select Yes to confirm submission.

Submit EXAM.png

  • You’ll see your exam was successfully submitted. Select Close.



NOTE: You will see a breakdown of which questions you answered correctly and which questions you answered incorrectly. If retakes are available for that exam and you’d like to retake it, select Retake. Learn more about retaking assessments.



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