☁️ View the Progress of Students You're Observing

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to view progress for students you are currently observing.

Note: Observing Students allows you to view the progress for all observed students in one place. For each student you will see their progress in all courses you are currently observing them in and completed courses you observed them in

  • Select the Account Icon in the Global Navigation bar.

select account icon.png

  • Select Observer Dashboard in the navigation window.

observer dashboard.png

  • You will see a list of each student you are observing and all their courses. Students who are currently online will be indicated by the online indicator.

Note: For observers, the default grade listed for students is the final grade. The final grade will calculate a student’s total grade based on all assignments in the course, both graded and ungraded.

The current grade is based only on graded assignments. The toggle in the upper right hand corner will switch between views.

final Grade.png

  • To view your students’ current grades, select the toggle in the upper right hand corner.

current grade.png

  • Select a course name to view a course overview.

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 2.42.01 PM.png

  • Select the View Grades link to see the course grade list for your observed student. 

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 2.43.07 PM.png

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