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☁️ How to Move Through the Course

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to move through the course and engage with course content.


  • From your Dashboard, select the course card for the course you want to work in.


  • Select the Modules tab. For some courses, this may also be the Home tab.

Modules Tab.png

  • Select the content you want to complete.

select activity.png

  • There are different types of activities and content within a course.
  • Some parts have text, other parts have images, videos or interactive graphics.

work through all sections.png

  • Begin working through the content. 
  • When you’re ready to move on, select Next.

Start Assignment.png

  • Use the + icon to open up new content within an activity.

Open more content.png

  • When you have completed a task, you will see a check mark appear in the modules tab next to that activity.

Checks at the end.png



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