☁️ View Calendar

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to view the calendar within a from your dashboard and from within a selected course.

Notes: There are many ways to access your calendar. Below is access from the dashboard and access from within a course. 


Accessing the Calendar From the Dashboard

  • From your Dashboard, select the Calendar icon in the Global Navigation. 

calendar icon.png

  • You will see a calendar with assignment due dates listed for all courses. Any completed assignments will be crossed out.

all calendars.png



Accessing the Calendar From Within a Course

  • From your Dashboard, select the course card for the course you want to view the calendar in.

choose course student.png

  • Select View Calendar. 

view calendar student.png

  • You will see a calendar with assignment due dates listed for that course only. Any completed assignments will be crossed out.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 4.26.13 PM.png


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