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✩ Check My Course Progress

Rhiannon Spetrini
Rhiannon Spetrini
  • Updated

Learn how to check your progress in a course.


  • Select the course card for the course you want to check your progress in from your dashboard.


  • Select the Modules tab. In some courses, this may be the Home tab.


  • Your progress in each unit is displayed to the right of the unit name.

Unit progress.png

  • Lessons and assignments will have different circles next to them to show your progress.

complete.pngmeans that lesson or assignment is complete.
in progress.pngmeans that lesson or assignment is in progress.
not started.pngmeans that lesson or assignment hasn’t been started.
Overdue.pngmeans that lesson or assignment is overdue.

  • If a lesson or assignment is grayed out, that means that you can’t complete it until you’ve completed the lesson or assignment before it.

Greyed out.png


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